Teaching parents to teach their kids


Unfortunately bullying is prevalent in most schools across the country. Bullying can be verbal, emotional, sexual or physical. School bullying is defined as unwelcome behaviors among children combined with a perceived imbalance or lack of power. The bullying behavior must be actually repeated and aggressive in nature. If the behavior has not...

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Lying is a normal part of your child’s development. That’s not to say it isn’t wrong, but it is typical behavior of school-aged children. As a parent, you might feel hurt, angry, frustrated or betrayed when you catch your child lying to you. There are many reasons why a child might lie. Some reasons include: to get attention, to...

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Refusing to Listen

If your child is around two years old and suddenly stops listening to you, don’t be alarmed. This is normal at this age as they start to exhibit non-compliance as they explore their independence. This period can be a very trying time for parents but parents need to remember that they need to teach their child to listen and pay attention. It...

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Whining is not only annoying and frustrating to parents but it also hinders pre-schoolers from learning how to make reasonable and good arguments. When parents give in to the whining, children learn they can get what they want from whining and will continue to whine. What parents don’t often realize is that whining is just a symptom of an...

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  • Bullying

    Unfortunately bullying is prevalent in most...

  • Lying

    Lying is a normal part of your...

  • Refusing to Listen

    If your child is around two years old and...

  • Whining

    Whining is not only annoying and...